BACCH does not endorse external or affiliate group events - listings are for information only

With increasing healthcare inequalities experienced by those living in poverty, it is imperative that as healthcare providers we can ensure that our services meet everyone’s needs. During this one-day course, 

You will focus on the causes and consequences of child poverty, the link between poverty and health inequalities, the principles of Poverty Proofing© and how it works in practice, common themes and impact as well as hearing from clinicians who have ‘poverty proofed’ their service. 

This course supports the NHSE focus on the Core20+5 framework, specifically supporting individuals and families living in the most deprived circumstances. For more information about the course and to book your place.

Further details & booking

BACCH is registered in England & Wales, charity no. 1129758 & company no. 06738129 at 5-11 Theobalds Road, London, WC1X 8SH.
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