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Join us to celebrate 25 years of the Children’s Headache Clinic at GOSH.

The clinic is the first dedicated children’s headache clinic in England, opened by the Late Dr Sarah Benton alongside Professor Peter Goadsby in 1999. From serving 20 children a year, the clinic now serves 200 and includes sub-specialist clinics for Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension, Chiari Malformation, Trigeminal Neuralgia and Facial Pain, Neuromodulation including Greater Occipital Nerve Blocks and a transition clinic with Kings-GSTT.

Scientific meeting:

In this meeting, GOSH colleagues past and present will explore the latest advances in the treatment of children with headaches and migraines. 

Professor Goadsby will open the occasion with the 1st Dr Sarah Benton Memorial Lecture on Childhood Headaches, with a keynote on Understanding Migraine and Its New Therapies. Other sessions include Recent advances in Visual Snow Syndrome, Lessons from the IIH/Neuro-ophthalmology Clinic, Psychological care in headaches, Chiari Malformation and Headaches in Children and more. 

For those able to attend in person, a celebratory occasion will take place during the lunchtime for meeting attendees, young people and their families, and GOSH colleagues who have contributed to the service over the years.

Further details & booking

BACCH is registered in England & Wales, charity no. 1129758 & company no. 06738129 at 5-11 Theobalds Road, London, WC1X 8SH.
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