BACCH does not endorse external or affiliate group events - listings are for information only
Prof Richard Gilbertson, Cambridge ‘Large language models of virtual brain tumours for biological and therapeutic discovery’
Prof Mahendra Patel, Oxford ‘Bridging the gap: Addressing health inequities through inclusive research’
Dr Sanjay Sisodiya, London ‘Working the genome harder - an example from epilepsy’
Prof Stephan Sanders, Oxford ‘Applying genomics to scale up diagnosis, neurobiology, and therapy for neurodevelopmental disorders’
Dr Chris Verity, Cambridge ‘The PIND Study - 27 years, 5222 children with suspected neurodegenerative diseases, loads of work by UK paediatricians. What have we learnt from all this?’
Prof Anna Jansen 'Implementation of the Intersectoral Global Action Plan on Epilepsy and Other Neurological Disorders (IGAP) – a call for action to the child neurology community’
- Ataxia – where do we go next?
- Conflict, difficult decisions and consensus in palliative care
- Newborn screening – to screen or not to screen
- Patient involvement: paying more than lip service