
Full PDF Programme can be downloaded below


Tuesday 20 SeptemberWednesday 21 September
How NICE Standard will influence assessments for FASD and what this means for paediatricians
Dr Ges Gregory
Why research is important for community paediatricians - Georgian houses fractal geometry and preventing disability
Professor Alastair Sutcliffe
Findings from the clinical and cost evaluation of ‘Stepping Stones Triple P’ for preschool children with moderate to severe intellectual disability & challenging behaviour
Professor Angela Hassiotis
ARFID: diagnosis, innovations & research 
Dr Jo Cryer
Is your brain securely attached? A social neuroscience perspective on attachment
Dr Pascal Vrtička 

Transitions from care and care leavers' health and wellbeing

Professor Emily Munro

Abstract presentations

Details in PDF programme below

Workshops (in-person delegates only)

Tuesday 20 SeptemberWednesday 21 September
Acting as an Expert Witness - Justice for children and familiesAuditory processing – do you always need a diagnosis to help the child? 
Approach to management of sleep problems in children with neurodevelopmental difficultiesChild death review and the community paediatrician [moved from Tues 20th due to facilitator availability]
Community Child Health – training update
How can we improve timeliness and quality of autism service delivery? (Emerging findings from Realist Evaluation)
Early intervention for children with neurodisabilities: helping families to thriveIntegrated Care Systems and Community Child Health
Effective safeguarding supervisionWriting the EHCP health advice for children with Down Syndrome
BACCH ASM 2022 Full Programme
BACCH ASM 2022 two-page short Programme

Abstract submissions

Submissions are now closed.

Bookings & cancellations

In-person and virtual attendance is available:

  • In person: lectures, abstract presentations, afternoon workshops, posters, annual dinner and catch up with colleagues
  • Virtual: lectures and abstract presentations only


  • See bottom of page for online booking form
  • The one-day booking option is only available for in-person tickets
  • We do not issue invoices: payment needs to be made using the online booking form below - the booking (from BACCH) and payment (from Stripe) confirmation emails act as your receipt
  • Bookings for in-person tickets are now closed and deadline for virtual tickets is 12pm on Friday 16 September (was previously Sunday 18th but has been moved due to the Queen's funeral Bank Holiday on Monday 19th)
  • Virtual delegates will be sent the meeting links on the afternoon of Friday 16th September.


  • No refunds will be given for non-attendance or cancellations received after 09 September for in-person tickets or 18 September for virtual tickets 
  • Cancellations received prior to this date will be eligible for a full refund, minus card processing fees, please contact us via email.
  • Delegates may make arrangements for a substitute to attend in their place at any time with no cost incurred by contacting the BACCH office.
  • If you cannot attend in-person due to covid, please inform us and your booking can be changed to a virtual ticket and a partial refund given

Venue and accommodation

Annual Dinner

Tickets for the dinner to be held on the evening of 20th September can be booked separately. (Deadline to book: 6th September.)

Book dinner tickets

Bookings are now closed

BACCH is registered in England & Wales, charity no. 1129758 & company no. 06738129 at 5-11 Theobalds Road, London, WC1X 8SH.
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